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dari kiri : CT khadijah,nia,wanie,jian n azie;)


helo!slamat dtg ke CUPCAKE BLOGGER!

suke,duke,pahit,manis cupcake sumernyer

di sini!moge anda smuer terhibur!

^_~. ^_^. ~_^. ^_^. ^_~. ^_^. ~_^

Jumaat, 16 Julai 2010

we miss u,teacher! ;P

teacher3x..we miss u!
cupcake miss u!
4Suci2010,SMK Sri Pantai miss u!
we all miss u!
bila teacher na balik sini balik 4 teach us chemist and bio??
we all nk biscuit lg..
teacher..balik la ajar sini balik..
if ada kesempatan ;))
we will miss u and we will remember the memoriess with u!
ur hyperactive attitude,ur biscuit,ur dance that u were teach us in chemistry class on Saturday ;DD
will miss that moment!
now,we all kehilangan teacher yg best!funny,kelakar,suka bercerita.
last say,"THANK YOU" for sudi mengajar kami di sini! ;)
TQ so3x much teacher RT a.k.a Komalesh ;DD


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